Publications 1999
On the route to informative society
This is a collective work of an interdisciplinary character elaborated under scientific editing of Professor Józef Lubacz
Warszawa 1999, 250 pp.
12) Government and citizen in the information society
Lectures: Dr. A. Olechowski, Prof. A. Siciński, Prof. K. Krzysztofek
Warszawa 1999, 56 pp.
11) Education costs at the higher education level
Calculation model of education costs
Warszawa 1999, 94 pp.
10) Ethical issues of engineering
Lectures: Prof. W. Bołoz, Prof. W. Gasparski, Prof. M. Dietrich
Warszawa 1999, 66 pp.
9) Human security in the modern world
Lectures: Prof. W. Majewski, Dr. J. Grela
Warszawa 1999, 66 pp.
8) Poland and European integration in education – IT Aspects
Lectures: Prof. T. Szapiro, Dr. B. Minkiewicz, Dr. P. Bielecki, Prof. A. Kraśniewski, Prof. J. Goliński, Prof. W. Flakiewicz, Prof. M. Turski
Warszawa 1999, pp. 132