Conferences 2016
Freshman (First-Year Student)
W. Bekas, T. Borecki, B. Klepacki, D. Knara, W. Salejda, E. Sokołowska, T. Szapiro, J. Urbanikowa, L. Zabłocka-Żytka
17 November 2016 , Warsaw School of Economics, Aula III im. Konstantego Krzeczkowskiego
Conference held under the patronage of Minister of Science and Higher Education
The aim of the conference is to draw attention to the problems faced by students entering the first year of a university as well as presentation of good practices developed so far in this regard by universities in Poland. Such knowledge is dispersed immensely and therefore difficult to access for those who in their everyday work and study encounter problems indicated above. Their effective solution and understanding should significantly facilitate freshmen to study during first years of higher education.