Conferences 2014
Students’ enrollment from the academic year 2015/2016 in the context of education system’s changes
J. Kluzik-Rostkowska, T. Szapiro, J. Łaszczyk, M. Smolik, A. Wojciuk, Z. Marciniak, T. Borecki
3 December 2014 in Aula B of the Warsaw School of Economics
One of the main points of the reform was to modernize the matriculation exam (matura), in 2015 the last modification will be introduced. These changes will cause a challenge for all universities in Poland, mainly with regard to the preparation of relevant recruitment resolutions. One has to remember that they affect the whole education system, and also shape preferences of secondary school graduates. For some time, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland have undertaken information actions. However it seems there is a need for an academic debate on implications related to these processes on the Polish universities. Organizers are hoping that the conference will contribute to better preparation of the Polish universities to the upcoming changes. We invited representatives of academic institutions dealing with candidates recruitment as well as other persons who interested in the subject matter to participate in the event.
Perspectives for development of vocational education in Poland
T. Szapiro, T. Sławecki, E. Maciejewska, M. Kruk, W. Szmulewicz, M. Wójcik, T. Borecki
Organized education aiming at children and youth is a matter of individual and general interests. The main goals remain developing personal skills and interests, shaping social attitudes, and eventually preparing for the social-economic roles as producers and creators. It is an introduction for participation in the nowadays’ division of labor. Primary and lower secondary education is an important period in which basic characteristics of social cohesion can be developed. After graduating from gymnasium, young people should be offered “different” (not better or worse) proposals for their professional development. Schools with vocational profile remain an interesting alternative for many positions in the manufacturing sector and services. It seems at the moment there is no question “if”, but “how” to organize vocational training to further develop professionalism and quality of work of young Poles as well as to restore the place and prestige of vocational education.
The Institute, with assistance of the Warsaw School of Economics, invites everyone to participate in a discussion pertaining to tasks and perspectives of vocational education in Poland. Our speakers represented different points of view and various groups of interest. Their presentations as well as opinions expressed by the conference participants should allow to better understand the essence of the issue at stake.
26 June 2014, Aula IV named after Ludwik Krzywicki of the Warsaw School of Economics