Lectures in the academic year 2002 / 2003:
L1: Culture and information civilization
Prof. K. Krzysztofek (IK)
Cultural changes in the information society. Mass-media and culture industry. Power and political participation, freedom and control problems. Market and advertisement. Information society and the problems of globalization. Information society and the problems of social development. Sociology of the Internet.
L2: Gen-ethics from the perspective of a biologist and philosopher
Prof. M. Fikus (PAN), Dr. P. Łuków (UW)
Possibilities of modern genetic engineering to introduce living organisms (microorganisms, plants, animals) will be discussed on the background of basic information about the nature and the laws governing heredity. The last major success of the genetic engineering was to investigate the genome which allowed further development of genetic testing, gene therapy and somatic reproductive potential. These research achievements have impact on the relationship between man and nature. Also it influences study of the human genome, the problems of eugenics as well as assisted reproduction and human cloning. In addition relationship between these studies and the value of life will be tackled.
L3: Arts and culture in view of the information society
Prof. M. Duchowski (ASP) with his assistants
Aesthetics, ethics, politics and mass-media in the information society. New forms of artistic expression and the role of art in a society where electronic media and “virtual reality” are present: architecture, fine arts and film. Socio-cultural aspects of development of communication technology and organization.
L4: Information, knowledge, communication
Dr. M. Hetmański (UMCS), Prof. J. Lubacz (PW)
Information, knowledge, expertise and communication – philosophical analysis. Information and communication in the human and social sciences – a review of theories and positions. Concept of information and communication in technology sciences – information theory, cybernetics, artificial intelligence.
L5: Information technology in education
Prof. A. Kraśniewski (PW)
Role of education in the information society. Evolution concerning the model and system of education. Education “at a distance” – synchronous and asynchronous techniques. Systems and telematic services used in education. Integrated learning support environment based on the Internet – opportunities and threats. Virtual university. Use of the information technology in education – current state and perspectives.
L6: Neural networks, cellular automats and artificial life
Prof. R. Kosiński (PW)
Complex systems in nature. Brain as a complex system – construction and operation. Artificial neural networks – models of neuron, Hopfield networks, neural networks. Chaos in biological and artificial neural networks. Cellular automats – classification, properties, applications. Artificial life – definitions, simple systems, complexity and self-organization, elements of statistical description.
L7: The health risks of ionizing radiation
Prof. A. Wójcik (Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej)
Characteristics of ionizing radiation and UV. Reaction of cells to radiation. Carcinogenic effects of radiation. Influence of low doses of radiation. Chernobyl: cause and consequences of failure. Ozone hole and its effects. Risk of radiation in comparison to other risks of daily life.