
Institute of Contemporary Civilization Problems named after Marek Dietrich (hereinafter IPWC) is an inter-university body established in 1996 by Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw University as well as Medical University of Warsaw.

The Institute carries out studies on social understanding of contemporary civilization problems, forecasts influence of science and technique on future shape of the society and undertakes activities to integrate academic community.

The Institute’s Director is Professor Józef Lubacz.

Partner Universities

Board of Rectors

  • Prof. Roman Cieślak – Rector of SWPS University
  • Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong – Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw
  • Prof. Alojzy Nowak – Rector of the University of Warsaw
  • Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba – Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology – Chairman
  • Prof. Michał Jerzy Zasada – Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Institute Council

  • prof. Tomasz Borecki
  • prof. Andrzej Eliasz
  • prof. Marek Krawczyk
  • prof. Józef Lubacz – Chairman
  • prof. Zbigniew Marciniak
  • prof. Tomasz Szapiro
  • prof. Jan Szmidt